Does Sadism Make Workers Robots, or Does Dehumanization Lead to Sadism? first lets answer at this questions 

can work make you happy?

Arthur Brooks said that success alone does not make you happy, but earned success does. This is the opposite of learned helplessness. Success merely eliminates sources of unhappiness, while earned success brings fulfillment. Psychologists describe learned helplessness as a state where nothing you do seems to matter, causing you to give up. It’s often associated with depression and loneliness, especially in the workplace. You don’t want learned helplessness; you want earned success—a state where you feel like you’re creating value with your life, your work, and in the lives of others. Moreover, this value is acknowledged and recognized. 

So, does work make you happy? The answer is yes, because we are made to serve others. When we lighten someone else’s load through service, it brings us joy and a sense of purpose.

now before answering the general question 

lets explain fordism 

Fordism, a specific stage of economic development in the 20th century. Fordism is a term widely used to describe (1) the system of mass production that was pioneered in the early 20th century by the Ford Motor Company or (2) the typical postwar mode of economic growth and its associated political and social order in advanced capitalism

Henry Ford treated his workers with care, having implemented a $5 daily wage for the workers in 1914. The amount was almost twice the rate other car factories paid their workers. Ford believed that increasing the pay would make the workers happier and encourage them to work faster.

according the the movie ford v ferrari in the first  8 mins ford said while your walking i want you to rominate men comes to my office with an idea that men keeps his jobs that make us relaize the relation between fordism and the freedom of thought and respect the intlectual power of workers 

how about taylorism 

Taylorism, System of scientific management advocated by Fred W. Taylor. In Taylor’s view, the task of factory management was to determine the best way for the worker to do the job, to provide the proper tools and training, and to provide incentives for good performance. He broke each job down into its individual motions, analyzed these to determine which were essential, and timed the workers with a stopwatch. With unnecessary motion eliminated, the worker, following a machinelike routine, became far more productive. See also production managementtime-and-motion study.

so taylorism treated workers like robots and fordism give more respect to salarieds and one principle of fordism principles we can say earned succes because workers emjoy work

now lets check what is the definition of sadism

Everyday sadism refers to a personality trait in which an individual finds pleasure or satisfaction in causing harm or suffering to others, typically through subtler and socially acceptable means. It is important to note that everyday sadism is different from clinical sadism, which is a psychological disorder that involves extreme and often violent acts of cruelty.

Individuals exhibiting everyday sadism may not engage in overtly aggressive or violent behaviour, but they may enjoy manipulating or causing distress to others in less obvious ways. This can include behaviours such as gossiping, spreading rumours, teasing, or finding pleasure in the misfortunes of others.

now the relation between sadism and work envirnoment 

The presence of executives with strong traits of everyday sadism is harmful to organizations because they create a toxic work environment, compromise the quality of products and services, delay the delivery of assignments, prevent the recruitment of talents and increase the risk of results management, fraud and corruption

 A sadistic culture might prioritize conformity or power dynamics over creative freedom, suppressing innovation , People subjected to sadistic behavior may focus more on self-defense or survival than on generating or embracing novelty 

we need now to definate dehumanization it  refers to the psychological and social process of depriving someone of their human qualities, dignity, or individuality. It involves seeing or treating people as less than human, often as objects, tools, or animals. This mindset makes it easier to justify mistreatment, exploitation, or harm against them.

in conclusion 

Humans become like robotic prisoners to their tasks, trapped in a cycle that starts and ends without solutions. We can say that sadism turns humans into robots due to dehumanization, and the inverse is also absolutely true—dehumanization can turn humans into both robots and sadists. This forms a vicious circle. Imagine a curve where dehumanization and sadism rise together, feeding off each other. But how can we break this cycle? The answer is simple: through earned success.